*These are sites I have found valuable through hours of my own research, both as a parent as well as a professional. I receive no benefits for recommending them beyond helping people find answers. I hope you find them as valuable as I have.
After multiple clients asking about this here is a site with more information about shooting guns during pregnancy and postpartum.
BOOKS I love, recommend, and have to let clients borrow (currently being edited)
Fetal Positioning
Spinning Babies; This is great information to know and they also have a free daily exercises online class
Prenatal Classes
There are many fantastic prenatal classes. I used the Bradley Method for my pregnancies, but I've had clients use and like hypnobabies and the boot camp methods- and there are many more I haven't tried. Here are some that I am personally familiar with:
I love working with doulas! There are many, many great doulas so you can interview several and choose the one that is the best fit, just like other providers! There are doulas for times besides labor and birth- from postpartum, to newborn help and even for other turnings of life, such a death. Doulas ease the transitions. Here are some I know. Doulas are fantastic for early (and late) labor support and emotional help. They are NOT medically licensed for medical advice.
Many doulas also offer lactation services, and some also offer placenta encapsulation services.
Mother Bear Doula - doula services, placenta encapsulation
Little Lilacs - offers birth and postpartum doulas, placenta encapsulation, belly binding, childbirth classes
Amazing Births with Bekah- serving South Dallas and surrounding areas
All in the Nest Doulas- This mother/ daughter birth team are fun to work with and I recommend interviewing them
Overnight Help
Lactation Consultants
Look up Jack Newman video’s and website for help also
Excellent nutrition is one of the primary and most important factors in a healthy pregnancy, birth and postpartum period and essential for a home birth! While food aversions, nausea and tummy trouble can be a common factor in pregnancy, knowledge about healthy eating will benefit you your entire life. I am a strong believer in primal ways of eating. This means proteins (meats), yummy fats (grassfed butter, coconut oil, lard, bacon fat) and carbs (lots of veggies like sweet potatoes) and a few fruits for the sweet factor. Definitely don't rule out a small square of dark chocolate a day! Bone broth is an especially delicious source of calcium and nutrition not to mention the lovely skin and hair it helps with- here is a list of benefits.
Many people don't realize that sugars don't just include candy and cookies, but all grains such as pasta, bread, crackers and cereals. Not only does this lead to weight gain but to more serious issues such as tooth decay, hormonal imbalances, bad breath and diabetes.
Here are some excellent places to start learning about this:
Placenta Consumption
Placenta Benefits- links to research
Pelvic Floor Therapists
Dr. Joyce Kay Hamilton, MLA/LPC
Cloth Diapers
See bottom of page for some pictures of the times I've enjoyed various methods with my own kids
Lift Me Up - This company provides free carriers to certain families.
Developmental Science on safe co-sleeping
CoSleeping and Biological Imperatives; Neuroanthropology
American Circumcision- the newest documentary to educate yourself
An Elephant in the Hospital video here
Midwifery Today's article with references
Gentle Birth talks about VBAC
A fantastic video and worth watching. This is sometimes available on Netflix and Youtube and I will soon have several copies in my collection for clients to borrow.
An organization with a lot of resources
A link to ingredients and vaccines- this information can be dug out of the CDC site also
Oral Hygiene
Dr. Ellie and her book, Kiss Your Dentist Goodbye
Nursing Bras
An Australia company, these are my absolute favorite and I hope to provide a retail space for them soon! Hot Milk Lingerie
Henna and body art
Kelly at Dream Tree Arts does lovely body henna and art
For a chemical-free way to color your hair check out the free e-book from Henna For Hair. Henna, cassia and indigo are wonderful hair dyes when used correctly, for a range of colors. The henna from this site is unadulterated and tested via an independent laboratory for lawsone (dye) content as well as toxins such as lead.
Natural mani/pedi
A luxurious treat with hand made body butters, bath bombs and sugar scrubs and the lovely line of toxin-free polish, Zoya: Pink Pedi in Dallas.
Knitting help that goes through both methods (I'm a continental magic loop knitter)
An online site (Ravelry) with tons of patterns, yarns and reviews… I'm Dragontongue so drop by and say hi!
My favorite online yarn shop with some fun rewards. I've even visited their store in Georgia!
Jane Davenport
This fun Australian artist offers many online workshops and it all started when I got her book Drawing and Painting Beautiful Faces. I highly recommend some artistic exploration!
Hula Hooping
Oh the joy found spinning in your safe circle….
A favorite video that started it all for me…. Katie Sunshine
Pregnant hooping- one of many!
Help learning to hoop with HoopSmiles
Essential Oils
I love teaching essential oil classes on everything from home use and personal care, to pregnancy, labor and baby care. I advocate DoTerra oils and also help others make additional income by sharing these oils. Contact me to learn more or for a free class!