Prenatal Appointments

Prenatal appointments are customized to every persons needs and are scheduled for a full hour to use as necessary.

Prenatal midwife homebirth

What happens at a prenatal appointment?

Prenatal appointments include routine medical exams (vitals, fetal heartbeat auscultation, etc.) to monitor the health of mother and baby. Topics of discussion include nutrition, emotional needs, and any current questions or concerns will be addressed. Specialty tests are performed as needed and include blood tests (such as iron or a CBC), urinalysis and gestational diabetes testing.

Prenatal appointments typically include up to an hour of time spent together and are conducted at the Serenity Midwifery office. Home visit prenatal appointments are available for an additional travel fee.

Sample of a typical prenatal schedule:

8-27 weeks: 1 appointment per month

28-36 weeks: 1 appointment every 2 weeks

37-birth: 1 appointment per week

birth-6 weeks: 1 appointment 24-36 hours after birth

1 appointment 2 weeks after birth

Final appointment 6 weeks after birth